来源:高考艺考生文化课培训机构   作者:高三英语补习班老师


第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题1, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。

When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago, I didn't think too long. I liked traveling in France, but when it came to picking my favorite spot to ___21___, Italy was the clear winner.

During my first visit to Italy, I ___22___ to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every time I tried to ___23___ a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and ___24___ my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language ___25___. After I made Italy my permanent home, I discovered how ___26___ Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to ___27___ me to close the window in my car when rain is coming. It's these small ___28___ of kindness that make a new country feel like home.

As a foodie the way to my heart is through my stomach, and nowhere fuels my ___29___ quite like Italy. Each town has its own traditional ____30____, and every family keeps a recipe passed from one generation to another. Families ____31____ for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other excuses they can ____32____. These meals are always ____33____ by laughter and joy. Whatever ____34____ life in Italy might have, the problems are ____35____ once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family.

21. A. study B. rent C. visit D. settle

22. A. planned B. struggled C. refused D. happened

23. A. string B. hang C. mix D. match

24. A. improved B. assessed C. admired D. praised

25. A. course B. barrier C. area D. test

26. A. open-minded B. strong-willed C. warm-hearted D. well-informed

27. A. remind B. allow C. persuade D. order

28. A. tricks B. promises C. acts D. duties

29. A. ambition B. success C. appetite D. growth

30. A. costume B. dish C. symbol D. tale

31. A. gather B. cheer C. leave D. wait

32. A. put up with B. stand up for C. come up with D. make up for

33. A. signaled B. confirmed C. represented D. accompanied

34. A. disadvantages B. meanings C. surprises D. opportunities

35. A. created B. forgotten C. understood D. identified

第二节(共10 小题; 每小题 1.5 , 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese cultural elements commemorating (纪念) Tang Xianzu, ___36___ is known as “the Shakespeare of Asia,” add an international character to Stratford-upon-Avon, William Shakespeare’s hometown.

Tang and Shakespeare were contemporaries and both died in 1616. Although they could never have met, there are common ___37___ (theme)in their works, said Paul Edmondson, head of research for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. “Some of the things that Tang was writing about ___38___ (be)also Shakespeare’s concerns. I happen to know that Tang’s play The Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》) is similar in some ways ___39___ Romeo and Juliet.”

A statue commemorating Shakespeare and Tang was put up at Shakespeare’s Birthplace Garden in 2017. Two years later, a six-meter-tall pavilion, ___40___ (inspire)by The Peony Pavilion, ___41___ (build)at the Firs Garden, just ten minutes’ walk from Shakespeare’s birthplace.

Those cultural elements have increased Stratford’s international ___42___ (visible), said Edmondson, adding that visitors walking through the Birthplace Garden were often amazed ___43___ (find)the connection between the two great writers.

___44___ (recall)watching a Chinese opera version of Shakespeare’s play Richard III in Shanghai and meeting Chinese actors who came to Stratford a few years ago to perform parts of The Peony Pavilion, Edmondson said, “It was very exciting to hear the Chinese language ____45____ see how Tang’s play was being performed.”



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发布时间:2024-10-16  阅读:561次
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